中国科学技术大学招聘会 (10月24日, 周六下午)
Recruiting event for the USTC delegation (Oct. 24th 2009)

招聘情况汇总 (中文 pdf - 点击下载文件)

Location and Time:

Boston: 2pm-6pm Oct. 24th
Rm 313, College of Arts & Sciences
Boston University
725 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

USTC is recruiting faculty at different levels, from associate professors/ research scientists, full professors/ senior scientists, to “Hundred Talents Program” scholars of China Academy of Sciences, Changjiang Scholars of Ministry of Education, and National “Thousand Talents Program” scholars. There are over 70 academic programs of the 12 schools that have vacant positions. Part-time faculty is welcome as well, as adjunct professors, chair professors, honorary professors, and visiting professors.

New faculty will be provided with lab apace, experiment instruments, research staff, as well as an apartment. Changjiang professors, and “ Hundred Talents Program” professors will be provided with initiating research funds of about 2 million RMB, while the National “Thousand Program” scholars will be provided with much more.

They will also offer necessary assistance in your application for research funds of the country, and help your spouse find a job and your children get proper schooling opportunity.

The delegation will be:
Vice President Dou XianKang
Dean Chen Falai, Dept. of Mathematics
Dean Liu Wandong, School of Physical Sciences
Dean Liang Liang, School of Management
Prof. Chu Jiaru, Director of Human Resources Department