国内 15 所高校访问 Harvard Longwood Medical Campus (11/17/09)

A delegation from China including 15 top universities is paying a visit in harvard Longwood medical campus on this coming Tuesday. If you are an alumni of these schools and want to meet your old friends/teachers/colleagues, or if you are seeking opportunities back to china now, it is a great chance to talk to those guys face to face to grasp first in hand information. The delegation are from Beijng U, Nanjing U, Fudan U, Nankai U, xiamen U, USTC etc... The detailed arrangement of the meeting is as follows:

Location: Harvard longwood medical area
       Warren Albert building room #563 (Quad area)
Time: Nov. 17th, Tuesday, 4:30 - 6:00 pm

Please download at the following link for detailed information about delegation and map:
China Delegationn LMA Visit 2009
(click image for higher resolution)