Harvard chinese life science annual research symposium(2010) agenda! (5/29/2010)
Dear all,

As follows is the detailed agenda of Harvard chinese life science annual research symposium(2010) on this coming saturday, May 29.

Basically there are three sections:

Morning: perspective section. Four HMS based Chinese faculties will give a overview of four different cutting edge research area.

Noon: Free lunch supported by Chinese NYC consulate
Poster section: in Dana building 1620

Afternoon: Harvard chinese life science annual distinguished award section. award winners will present their awarded work.

All are welcome to join this wonder event for our chinese community and please send your registration to cssa@hms-cssa.org titled as " attending symposium".

Harvard Chinese Life Science Annual Research Symposium (2010)
May 29th Saturday
Jimmy Fund Auditorium
44 Binney Street, Boston, MA, 02115

Working language: Chinese/English
9:40 am:
Qingsong Liu open remarks, 15 min
10:00 am ~ 12:00pm: Keynote speakers (Host: Zhang Li)
10:00 ~ 10:30am
Dr. Qiufu Ma
Associate Professor of Neurobiology, DFCI
Title: Crosstalk between pain and itch

10:30 ~ 11:00am
Dr. Cheng Li
Associate Professor of Biostatistics, DFCI
Title: Transcription factor and microRNA regulatory network analysis using gene and miRNA expression data

11:00 ~ 11:30am
Dr. Jiahuai Wang
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, DFCI
Title: Virus/host cell interaction: from structure to medical implication

11: 30am ~ 12:00pm
Dr. Jie Shen
Associate Professor of Neurology, BWH
Title: Genetic approaches to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

12:00pm ~ 1:25pm lunch and poster (Dana BLDG-1620)

1:30pm Harvard Chinese Life Science Annual Distinguished Research Award speech (host: Baoli Hu)

1:30 ~ 1:50 pm
Dr. WenJun Zhou (DFCI)
Title: Novel mutant-selective EGFR kinase inhibitors against EGFR T790M

1: 55-2:15 pm
Dr. Zhu YuDong (BIDMC)
Title: Arrested maturation of excitatory synapses in autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy

2:20-2:40 pm
Dr. Li Shaomin (BWH)
Title: Soluble Oligomers of Amyloid b Protein Facilitate Hippocampal Long-Term Depression by Disrupting Neuronal Glutamate Uptake

2:45-3:05 pm
Dr. Sun YingLi (DFCI)
Title: Histone H3 methylation links DNA damage detection to activation of the tumour suppressor Tip60

3:10-3:30 pm
Dr. Zhu Ting
Title: Coupled Growth and Division of Model Protocell Membranes

3:30pm Awards issuing. (host: Qingsong Liu)
3:45pm Closing remarks. (Xi Wang)



Please refer to attachment for detailed agenda.