Professor Yuanli Liu from Harvard School of Public Health joins the advisory board of HMS-CSSA (4/8/2011)

Dear All,

It is our great privilege to announce that Professor Yuanli Liu from Harvard School of Public Health has recently agreed to join the advisory board of HMS-CSSA.

Prof. Liu (left) and Dr. Baoli Hu (President of HMS-CSSA)

Prof. Liu is a founding director of the Harvard School of Public Health China Initiative (Please find the biosketch of Prof. Liu below). We are looking forward to working with him in the future.



Yuanli Liu, PHD
Director of the China Initiative
Harvard School of Public Health

      Professor Yuanli Liu, a health economist, is founding director of the Harvard School of Public Health China Initiative (2005-present). The China Initiative aims at helping advance health and social development in China by carrying out applied research studies, regular policy dialogues with China's top public policy makers (2 China Social Development Forums were successfully held at the Central Party School in 2007 and at Harvard in 2009) and senior health executive education classes (more than 300 senior government officials from MOH, MOF, MOLSS, SFDA and directors of provincial/city health bureaus as well as major hospital CEOs have graduated from this program since 2006). Professor Liu has been teaching and conducting research in the areas of health financing and health system analysis since 1994 at Harvard. He was profiled in 2003 as one of six "Future Leaders in Public Health". He is also an Adjunct Professor of Health Policy and Management at Tsinghua University and director of Health and Development Institute at Tsinghua School of Public Policy and Management in Beijing. Having closely involved in China's series of healthcare reform initiatives since 1993, Professor Liu has established a solid track record in areas of health policy analysis, health system reform and development strategies, and public-private partnerships in system and technology innovations. He is frequently invited to give keynote speeches at national and international conferences on healthcare reform issues, and he is a well respected policy advisor by serving on the Expert Committee of Health Policy and Management and the Expert Committee on Healthy China 2020, both of which are established by the Chinese Ministry of Health to help inform the policy-making process for China's healthcare reforms and development. Professor Liu also served on the United Nations Millennium Development Taskforce on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and Access to Basic Medicines (2003-2005). He consulted for many international agencies including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO as well as global pharmaceutical and healthcare corporations.

刘远立 教授
哈佛大学公共卫生学院"中国行动计划" 主任
清华大学公管学院卫生与发展研究中心 主任

      从1994年起至今,刘远立在哈佛大学从事国际卫生政策与管理的科研和教学工作,历任博士后研究员、助理教授、高级讲师和博士生导师,清华大学公共管理学院兼职教授。2003年被哈佛大学评为"6大未来公共卫生领袖"之一。他于2005年创办哈佛大学公共卫生学院"中国行动计划"并担任主任。"中国行动计划"负责组织和实施三大项目:1.与中国卫生部合办"中国卫生发展与改革高级国际研修班"(毕业生包括300多名来自中央和地方的负责卫生与社会发展的厅局长和大型医院院长), 2. 开展重大公共卫生问题的应用性研究,3.与中央党校合作举办"中国社会发展论坛"。
       刘远立的专业研究领域主要著眼于运用经济学等工具探寻发展中国家卫生体系的效率和公平问题之解决办法,在非洲和亚洲10多个国家开展过有关公共卫生(如:艾滋病防治)与卫生体系改革的学术研究。2003年,刘远立与哈佛大学的Peter Berman等教授一道,创立了"卫生体系学"这一新的交叉学科。他参与了中国卫生改革与发展的一系列重大问题的研究和政策咨询,为推动中国农村新型合作医疗和城市医疗救助制度的建立作出了突出贡献。作为世界银行的顾问,刘远立帮助建立和加强了"中国卫生经济培训与研究网络"。他出版过5本中英文学术专著,在国际和国内学术期刊上发表过100多篇论文。刘远立曾经并继续担任"全球健康公平联盟"的发起人之一和董事会成员,联合国"千年发展目标"顾问委员会委员,世界银行、亚洲开发银行、世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国计划开发署等国际组织的项目顾问,并担任中华医学基金会(美国)的高级顾问。 刘远立是中国卫生部"卫生政策与管理专家委员会"委员、"健康中国2020"战略规划专家组成员。

HMS-CSSA.ORG | 2010-2011