Frontier Symposium in Metabolism招募演讲嘉宾

Nov - 21

Frontier Symposium in Metabolism招募演讲嘉宾

Frontier Symposium in Metabolism 招募演讲嘉宾

正常、平衡的代谢活动是细胞和生物体正常运转的基础。而代谢活动的失衡也往往伴随着功能的退化和各种疾病,如衰老、糖尿病、心血管疾病、癌症和神经退行性疾病等。HMS-CSSA 举办的 Frontier Symposium系列旨在促进哈佛医学院及各附属医院的科学家之间的交流与合作。2018年1月,我们计划举办以代谢为主题的 Frontier Symposium。现招募在哈佛系统工作的学生或博士后作为演讲嘉宾,如果您有意在哈佛大学医学院的讲台上报告您和代谢相关的研究工作,请将以下材料发至邮箱

  • 姓名,职位,工作单位和实验室
  • 个人简历或CV
  • 课题摘要
  • (如有) 已发表的相关文章

如果您想推荐朋友作为演讲嘉宾,请将朋友的姓名和联系方式发给我们。谢谢大家对 HMS-CSSA 各类学术活动的支持!


Call for speakers: Frontier Symposium in Metabolism

Balanced metabolic activities are vital for healthy cells and organisms. Metabolic dysfunction is associated with a wide range of abnormalities, including aging, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and neurodegeneration. The Frontier Symposia organized by HMS-CSSA seek to facilitate cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration across the Harvard community. The next Frontier Symposium in January, 2018 will focus on metabolism. We are looking for speakers among students, postdocs and scholars at Harvard and affiliated hospitals. If you are interested in speaking at Harvard Medical School about your work related to metabolism, please send the following materials to

  • Name, job title, affiliation and lab
  • Resume or CV
  • Abstract of your project
  • (Optional) Publications

If you would like to recommend a friend, please send his/her name and contact information to us! Thank you for supporting HMS-CSSA.


HMS-CSSA 往期精彩学术活动回顾

Review of past academic activities by HMS-CSSA

Oct 12th, 2017 – Frontier Symposium in Deciphering the Genomes

(活动总结参见:Frontier Symposium in Deciphering the Genomes在哈佛医学院召开


Nov 15th, 2017 – HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon in CRISPR & Functional Genomics


HMS-CSSA 通过举办各种学术活动,搭建哈佛医学院及其附属医院华人专家学者之间的交流平台,展示前沿研究成果,促进合作创新。现已成功举办 HMS-CSSA Annual Conference, Frontier Symposium, Precision Medicine Seminar 等多项反响热烈的学术活动。我们愿为各位华人专家学者提供展示自己学术成果的舞台,也愿为致力于推进科学技术发展的机构提供合作的平台,有意者请发送邮件至。



微信公众号: hmscssa


(添加好友后可由助手号邀请加入 HMS-CSSA 学术群 (需实名)、HMS-CSSA 生活群 (鼓励实名))