Dr. Winston Patrick Kuo joins our advisory board

Oct - 22

Dr. Winston Patrick Kuo joins our advisory board

Dear HMS-CSSA members,

It is our great honor to announce that Dr. Winston Patrick Kuo has recently agreed to join the advisor board of HMS-CSSA (Attached is the bio-sketch of Dr. Kuo). Dr. Kuo is Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental Biology, Harvard School Of Dental Medicine, Director, Harvard Catalyst – LITT, Harvard Medical School. With his support, we believe HMS-CSSA will be able to serve our community better.

We are looking forward to working with him in the future.



Bio-sketch of Dr. Kuo:
Winston Patrick Kuo, DDS, DMSc
Assistant Professor, Department of Developmental Biology, Harvard School Of Dental Medicine
Director, Harvard Catalyst – LITT, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Winston Patrick Kuo is a clinical and translational researcher, Assistant
Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology at Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Director of the Harvard Catalyst – Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies at Harvard Medical School. With Dr. Kuo’s multidisciplinary background, in 2007, he established the Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies (LITT) to provide the Harvard research community with early access to enabling leading edge translational technologies, which is now an integral part of the Harvard Catalyst Clinical and Translational Science Center at Harvard Medical School. The HC-LITT’s model is a collaborative one that interfaces between academics and industry, and its goal is to build communities including public private partnerships around a myriad of technologies in one place and put them to use in the hands of inventors and thought leaders to accelerate the translation of laboratory research in therapeutics and diagnostics into the clinic.