
Apr - 25


[HCSSA] 四川雅安地震线上捐款平台正式启动




Please Scroll Down for English Description


四月是残酷的季节,在经历了波士顿惊魂的一周后,天灾又降临大洋彼岸的祖国大地。2013年4月20日,四川雅安地震震惊全国。这场地震给灾区同胞造成了巨 大的损失和创伤,灾难突如其来,我们虽身在海外,但血浓于水,感同身受。为帮助灾区人民克服灾害,渡过难关,表达我们对于受灾同胞的关心,哈佛大学中国学 生学者联合会现倡议身在海外的学子、同胞、友人们能够伸出援助之手,贡献我们的绵薄之力。涓滴细流,也能汇成爱的海洋,润泽人间。




这次募捐所用的Fundly.com平台收取全部捐款金额的7.9%的手续费。剩余部分将由哈佛大学中国学生学者联合会(HCSSA) 第一时间全额交付于中国驻纽约总领事馆,由外交部汇总后转入财政部四川芦山地震专项帐户由中国驻纽约总领事馆出示的捐款证明将在此募捐平台公示。


(1) Fundly.com有USD$10的最低支付额度。这不是我们的初衷,希望大家理解。

(2) 可以选择匿名或实名捐款,选项在金额输入栏下。



(1) 香港红十字会在线捐款 (港币结算, 用美金支付可能需付银行3-5%的外币结算手续费)

(2) 淘宝 壹基金官方公益店 (需淘宝账户)













About Ya’an Earthquake

When Boston is still trying to walk out from the shadow of Marathon Bombing, a natural disaster befell China. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck Ya An in Sichuan province on April 20th, 2013. This catastrophe has cost at least 192 deaths and more than 11000 injuries. The lack of shelter, medical care, food as well as clean water makes the situation even worse.

We share the same feeling no matter how far away we are. Now, it’s the time to take action, to help those who are still suffering from the catastrophe to step out of this nightmare. Right here, right now, Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association (HCSSA)  initiates the donation for the stricken region of this earthquake. May our modest contribution bring love, hope, and strength to the people of Ya’An!

For news coverage, see for example:

New York Times

The Huffington Post

South China Morning Post

Where will the donation go?

We choose Fundly.com as our platform so that we can have a convinient, transparent and easy-to-share means of helping the Ya’an earthquake relief and rebuild.

Of the total amount received, the Fundly.com platform takes out 7.9% fees (including credit card fees). The rest will be sent directly to the Chinese Consulate General in New York, where donations from various sources will be gathered and sent to the “Ya An Earthquake Relief Special Account” under the Chinese Ministry of Finance via the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The receipt of donation from the Chinese Consulate General in New York will be posted on this page.

A few note on the donation process

(1) Limit on donation amount

We believe any help or good wish from friends overseas will go a long way in the hearts of those in the areas struck by the earthquake.

Unfortunately Fundly.com has a minimum transaction amount of USD$10. We seek your kind understanding.

(2) You can opt to be an anonymous donor. Look for the option under the amount textbox.

Who are we

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association (HCSSA) is a university wide student organization at Harvard University.  HCSSA is dedicated to promoting social, intellectual and cultural activities for Chinese students and scholars at Harvard as well as members of the Harvard community and those of the great Boston area who are interested in China-related topics.

HCSSA Homepage: hcssa.org

Additional Information

Other means of donating to the Ya’an Earthquake (Incomplete list):

Hong Kong Red Cross Donation Page ( contributions need to be made in HK Dollars. Foreign transaction fees apply, typically 3-5%).

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge