Case Study: Gene & Cell Therapy and Genomic Editing — 2pm, Feb 8th, 2014, @DFCI-304

Feb - 05

Case Study: Gene & Cell Therapy and Genomic Editing — 2pm, Feb 8th, 2014, @DFCI-304

on Feb,8th (Saturday) 2pm, Smith building 304, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston

The goal of the case study is to create an opportunity for doctors, scientists and business professionals working in complementary fields to discuss new ideas and potential projects, and to meet future teammates. Usually, a case study focuses on recent scientific breakthrough, or commercially successful products in a fast-moving field. An expert in the field will give a brief presentation to introduce the case, followed by free discussion within the case study team. The estimated time for the whole event is 1.5 hours.

The upcoming case study on Gene & Cell Therapy will cover:

1) A case of Glybera
The first gene therapy drug approved in the western world in 2012.  At a cost of €1.2million per patient, Glybera is the most expensive medicine currently available.2) A case of Cellular Dynamics International (CDI)

Developing and manufacturing fully functioning human cells from iPS cells, CDI is one of the first companies to provide cell products for cellular therapeutics.

3) Recent development in genomic editing
How recent development in genomic editing can support gene therapy will be discussed.
We also look for volunteers who are interested in this field to present and to share their perspective and insights.Due to limited space, please register in the following link beforehand.