2017 HMS-CSSA创业论坛路演项目简介

Apr - 27

2017 HMS-CSSA创业论坛路演项目简介

时间:2017430 830 am-2:00 pm

地点:Folkman Auditorium, Enders Building, Children’s Hospital Boston

320 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA 02155


Order Team
1 Acoustar
2 Hormometer (荷 蒙 计)
3 Icell Kealex Therapeutics
4 Aprex (新锐生科)
5 ReinEsse
6 Toptechgenomics (顶峰科技)
7 ZSFab
8 3D Biotherapeutics
9 Skinap Therapeutics


  1. Acoustar:

在美国,每8名女性中就有1名罹患乳腺癌并接受乳腺癌手术。而只切除肿瘤的保乳手术已经成为当前主流的乳腺癌治疗方案。但是,医生在保乳手术中很难准确地定位肿瘤从而实现阴性切缘,这就造成了手术时间的延长,并带来了大量的二次手术以及并发症。每例手术中有15分钟以上的多余手术时间被耗费,这就意味着每年超过1亿4000万美元的浪费。正因此,我们开发了一种基于光声指引,光学跟踪和增强现实技术的手术导航系统——AcouStar。AcouStar是第一个让医生在保乳手术中实时“看见”肿瘤位置的手术导航设备。与此同时,AcouStar提供的毫米级别的肿瘤定位精度击败了市场上的所有竞争技术。在AcouStar提供的直观且精确的引导下,医生得以更快、更精确地切除肿瘤,这将大大节省手术时间和费用,并显著降低二次手术率和并发症的风险。对于医院,假设每年为100名患者提供保乳手术治疗,AcouStar能在5年内为他们节省30万美元;对于患者,AcouStar能够降低他们的手术风险;对于保险公司,AcouStar通过降低二次手术率和并发症风险,能够为他们降低赔付成本。AcouStar可以应用于一般的针管和活检指引。在2020年,全球活检市场将达到10亿美元。AcouStar目前关注的乳腺癌手术则为2亿4600万的市场。截止目前,AcouStar已经完成基于平板电脑和智能眼镜的两种原型,并已经提交了一项专利。AcouStar将在2018年以前完成医学验证,设计定型并提交FDA 510K申请。


  1. (Hormometer)

到 2025 年,全球估计将有 11 亿绝经期妇女。其中 75%的女性会经历不同程度的绝经期症状困扰折磨。基于围绝经期(又称更年期)潮热出汗这一典型症状研究开发的智能健康新产品——荷蒙计(Hormometer),是一种与专有算法和手机应用程序集成的生物传感器设备(可穿戴健康产品), 用于动态监测围绝经期妇女的雌激素和孕酮激素水平及其波动变化,及时信息反馈。雌孕激素监测可以帮助进入围绝经期过渡期妇女更好地管理每月周期和帮助正在进行激素治疗或非激素类治疗的绝经期妇女正确获得合适剂量并降低某些健康问题的⻛险。与目前的实验室取样静态检测方法相比,此生物传感器智能设备(可穿戴健康产品)不但方便用户随身或在家里即可进行实时(当潮热出汗发生时)的非侵入监测,而且动态监测数据能准确反映用户体内的激素水平与变化趋势。藉此帮助用户实现从“盲目猜测或静态检测 ”过渡到“动态监测-积极治疗”的新保健模式, 为个性化的饮⻝/生活方式调整或合适药物剂量提供准确实时数据, 从而减弱并消除围绝经期症状的困扰折磨,改善睡眠与情绪, 促进身心健康, 进一步提高围绝经期妇女的生命质量。


  1. Icell Kealex Therapeutics

Icell Kealex Therapeutics (IKT) is a clinical stage biotechnology company founded by scientists from Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) in 2015. IKT has pioneered development of novel proprietary oncolytic vaccinia virus based cancer immunotherapeutics. In February of 2016, IKT was selected to join JNJ Innovation – JLABS at the Texas Medical Center.

IKT has developed three platform technologies. Firstly, IKT develops T-cell Engager-Armed Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus (TEA-VV). TEA-VVs encode secretory bi-specific T-cell engagers (single chain variable fragment) that bind both to CD3 and to a tumor cell surface antigen. TEA-VV exerts its activity through three mechanisms: i) VVs directly lyse tumor cells, ii) TE directs T cells to kill tumor cells that are not infected with VV (by-stander killing), and iii) TE promotes T-cell infiltration into tumors, and the cytokines released upon activation will create a pro-inflammatory microenvironment inhibiting tumor growth. IKT’s lead product of TEA-VV is FAP-TEA-VV that targets Fibroblast activation protein (FAP) which is overexpressed on tumor stroma, tumor associated macrophage (TAM), and tumor cells. Thus FAP-TEA-VV exerts its activity through: i) improving virus spread within tumor tissue by destroying tumor stroma, the physical barrier for virus spread; ii) overcoming suppressive tumor environment by targeting TAM (checkpoint inhibitor); and iii) enhancing bystander killing of FAP+ tumor cells. TEA-VV has advantages over combination therapy of BiTE (bi-specific T-cell engagers) and oncolytic virus. BiTE’s efficacy for solid tumors is significantly limited by its short half-life and suboptimal tumor penetration. TEA-VV’s strategy provides a unique and effective approach with the ability of inducing local production of BiTE that allows higher concentrations within the tumor tissue while reducing systemic side effects that are caused by BiTE.

Secondly, IKT develops checkpoint inhibitor-armed oncolytic Vaccinia virus that has been engineered to overexpress immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as PD1 or PDL1 blockers. This approach greatly enhances immune-mediated tumor cell killing through two mechanisms: i) de-suppressing innate immune effectors responding to the virus infection; and ii) removing the brakes from the activated T-cell response against tumor antigens.

Lastly, IKT develops VV-loaded CAR-T cell therapy. The efficacy of CAR-T for solid tumors is suboptimal, likely due to tumor heterogeneity, limited tumor infiltration, and an immunosuppressive environment. IKT’s VV-loaded CAR-T cells target multiple tumor antigens and revert the immune suppressed tumor microenvironment to a supportive environment, resulting in enhanced antitumor efficacy.

TEA-VV technology is invented by Professors Shautong Song and Stephen Gottschalk at Baylor College of Medicine at the Center for Cell and Gene Therapy. IKT has initiated phase I studies in China in Oct 2016, and 5 patients with liver or pancreatic cancer have received EpCAM-TEA-VV loaded EGFR-CAR-T cell therapy as of April 2017. IKT is working with Novella Clinical to file IND application in USA in Q1 2017. Phase 1 study in USA will be initiated in Q1 2018.


  1. Aprex:



  1. ReinEsse

ReinEsse LLC is an R&D focused startup company at Farmington, CT, next to UConn Health Center, Jackson Laboratory in CT, and UConn Dermatology department. We are providing the innovative skin care products and topical/transdermal treatments. The first produce line is ReindeepTM, a bio-inspired innovation for solving deep wrinkles on the face. The next target is the cure for chronic skin diseases. The R&D is still in progress. The global cosmetic market is estimated to reach $675 billion by 2020 and anti-aging skin cream market is expected to reach $36 billion by 2021. Based on sales in 2015, the niche market for active ingredient delivery is 2.41 billion dollars in skin care products and 10.1 billion in topical drug delivery. ReinEsse LLC first focuses on this active ingredient delivery market and then step forward to the formulation market. Currently, we have the first contract customer and some strategic collaborators in negotiation.

ReinEsse LLC is an early-stage company with 100% IP ownership and 1000% equity by founders. ReinEsse is bringing the cutting-edge technology of engineering, pharmacy, and dermatology to make the innovation in formulations. This field of topical drug formulation innovation is just taking off and can have faster growth than other types of drugs. The formulation without drug molecules can be used in cosmeceutical products which require less regulation. Thus, ReinEsse can generate returns even in the early development stage.

ReinEsse has been awarded in the Entrepreneurship in Dermatology Conferences.  The distinguished advantage of product-ReinDeep is the deeper skin penetration and less disruption of protection barrier. The compositions are skin-affinitive and FDA-approved.  The company is greatly supported by the start-up friendly environment from the University of Connecticut and connecting to the entrepreneurial society in Boston and Yale University.  In future, we will stay competitive with the package of patents and the recognition in the professional societies such as dermatology and pharmacy.


  1. 顶峰科技


  1. ZSFab

ZSFab provides surgeons with patient specific knee surgery packages including 3D printed biocompatible surgical guides and titanium alloyed implants, optimized for shape, and especially the biomechanical properties, with its algorithm. The algorithm takes in the raw CT/MRI data and converts into 3D bone models with the help of surgeons, followed with autonomous modeling of the guides and the biomechanical lattice structures optimization. Proper 3D printers are used to fabricate the guides and implants. The package reduces surgery time, lowers malpractice rate, shortens recovery period, alleviates/eliminates foreign body sensation and improves satisfaction rate overall. Our team is composed of experts in 3D printing, mechanics, materials and surgeons.


  1. 3D Biotherapeutics

3D Biotherapeutics is a biotechnology company powered with its proprietary novel 3D bioprinting platform. We focus on developing and commercializing products for orthopaedic regenerative medicine. We have developed a novel, patent-pending 3D bioprinting system with which we can create live micro tissues just a few hundred microns in diameter. The bioprinted micro tissues are comparable to native tissues in term of cellular and extracellular components, architectural and molecular profiles. 

Our first biological product- “Chondroprint”- will be bioprinted micro-articular cartilage for the treatment of articular cartilage defects, a condition which afflicts 31 million Americans and 630 million people worldwide; and it is also the leading cause of disability.  Although it is a multiple-billion-dollar market with high growth rate, the current standard of care and other biological products fall short in many ways:  most therapies require large invasive incisions, multiple surgeries and low efficacy because of only delivering partial cartilage components. The market needs an off-the-shelf, real biological cartilage tissue that can be delivered in a minimally invasive manner and completely cure the articular cartilage defect.

 Chondroprint is manufactured so that it can be injected minimally invasively to the cartilage defect. It is 3D bioprinted real cartilage tissue composed of live cartilage cells and extracellular matrix that are precisely generated to be comparable to native human articular cartilage in terms of architecture, biochemical and biomechanical characteristics. The implanted micro-cartilage tissues self-assemble at the site of injection into a uniform piece of cartilage. The defect heals completely with younger and healthier cartilage.  Our goal is beginning a Phase I/II clinical trial in 2.5 years. Chondroprint will be the first injectable real human cartilage tissue in the world.

With 3D Biotherapeutics’ live cell printing platform, we also have innovation in the following disciplines: 1) Personalized cancer therapy: after tumor biopsy, we bioprint the tumor into an assay of micro-tumor tissues and functional drug sensitivity testing is performed to select the best drug or drug combination to eradicate that particular tumor. 2)  Bioprinted in vitro 3D micro tissue models: these include tumor tissues and normal tissues for new drug development. We have collaborating with one of top 15 global pharmaceutical companies using this technology.


  1. Skinap

在全球范围内, 每年大约产生1-4亿伤口,其中1-2亿伤口需要处理与治疗。其中大约4千万伤口为不会愈合的伤口 (包括各种难以愈合的溃疡)。全球每年有约34万烧伤死亡, 以及7百万因伤口而引起的次生癌症。2016年,全球伤口处理与治疗的市场是170亿美元。 以3.6% 的年递增率计, 到2021年,全球伤口市场将达到204亿美元。大面积,重度,复杂,慢性的伤口处理与治疗任然是人类的一个挑战与难题。目前,市场上没有一种材料具备以下伤口愈合与组织再生需要的特点:生物相容性,可生物降解性,纯人的细胞产生,大面积,无细胞,无免疫排斥反应性。最近, 我们成功地研发了一种名为Skinap的超级膜。Skinap超级膜具备以下特性:超大面积的,纯人的细胞产生,生物相容性,可生物降解性,选择性半透性,无细胞的,由新发现的细胞器巨型网膜 (megalamina)构成的,三维的,和管网型。Skinap超级膜面积可达平方英尺, 平方米,甚至于任意大面积。Skinap超级膜为细胞的粘附,锚定,驻留,迁移提供了大面积的天然的支撑平台。组成Skinap超级膜的微管是由细胞膜包裹形成的。这些微管外包覆着微管产生的天然的糖萼。糖萼里含有多种天然的生长因子,可以促进细胞生长与分化。动物实验证明,Skinap超级膜显著促进大面积深度二级皮肤伤口愈合, 明显优于市场上同类产品。Skinap自动降解,无残留, 且降解产物为天然的氨基酸和酯类 (为细胞营养物). Skinap可广泛应用于各类与各种面积大小的急性与慢性伤口。可以种植病人细胞于大面积的Skinap上,为快速皮肤种植提供了天然的大面积载体。目前,全球再生医疗市场是500-1000亿美元每年。Skinap 聚焦的的目标市场目前是170亿美元每年。目前,我们已经完成两类原型产品: 一种是500cm2 以下的可任意裁剪的超级膜, 另一种是500cm2 或以上的大型超级膜。Skinap 将进行临床试验与产品定型,并将在2018年底前申请FDA 批号。