HMS-CSSA LSS: long distance between clinical trials & guidelines

Nov - 15

HMS-CSSA LSS: long distance between clinical trials & guidelines

HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon

A long distance between clinical trials and guidelines
– a NSCLC case study and beyond

Dongpo Cai, MD, Ph.D.
Senior Director of Medical Affairs, C2Y Therapeutics

Dr. Cai had four years of clinical practice in China and finished a master degree in tumor immunology at CAMS/PUMC before he moved to Boston to obtain his Ph.D. degree from 1995 and 2001 in the area of cancer biology and immunology. Over past 15 years, he accumulated experience in pre-clinical and clinical studies at DFCI/HMS. He then moved to industry since 2018 to cover oncology clinical trial operation including trial strategy and biomarker design/implementation. The disease areas he has been involved span from blood cancers to solid tumors. He is interested in multiple investigational drug modalities including small molecule drugs, immune-oncology, and adaptive cellular therapies. He pays particular attention to mechanism-based biomarker and clinical trial design. He believes that the ultimate goal of clinical trials is to match study drugs to patients with appropriate tumor profiling (either genomic or TME related) to meet unmet medical needs in the clinic.

* Dinner will be first come, first served.

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HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon (LSS) 是 2011 年由哈佛大学医学院华人专家学者联合会 (HMS-CSSA) 发起的一项学术沙龙活动。此活动采取轻松自由的“沙龙”形式,主讲人主题及风格不限,可涉及科学前沿进展、学科发展历程,亦可涉及自身科研体会、实验经验分享等等。望哈佛医学院及附属医院有意展示学术成果和经验的青年学生学者,及有意协助学术沙龙活动举办的相关机构发送邮件至 或正文中邮箱。

(张彦波 曹婵 王苏)
