HMS-CSSA Frontier Symposium in Single Cell

Apr - 08

HMS-CSSA Frontier Symposium in Single Cell

HMS-CSSA Frontier Symposium in Single Cell

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Apr 11th, 2019, Thursday

Room CLS 11081 A/B, Center for Life Science Building
3 Blackfan Circle, Boston, MA 02115

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Craig Bohrson, Ph. D. Candidate

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School

Talk title:  Linked-read analysis identifies mutations in single-cell DNA-sequencing data

Highlighted Publications:

Bohrson CL, Barton AR, Lodato MA, Rodin RE, Luquette LJ, Viswanadham VV, Gulhan DC, Cortés-Ciriano I, Sherman MA, Kwon M, Coulter ME, Galor A, Walsh CA, Park PJ., Linked-read analysis identifies mutations in single-cell DNA-sequencing data, Nature Genetics, 2019, 51, 749–754


Craig Bohrson is a Ph.D. candidate in the Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics program at Harvard University in the lab of Peter J. Park.  Craig earned his bachelor’s degrees in biomedical engineering and applied mathematics at Johns Hopkins University, where he conducted research in cancer genomics and telomere biology in the labs of Sarah Wheelan and Carol Greider.  In his graduate research, Craig develops computational methods for the analysis of single-cell DNA sequencing data.


Jian Shu, Ph.D.

Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard / Whitehead Institute

Talk title: Reconstruction of cellular reprogramming landscapes and trajectories from large-scale single-cell profiles

Highlighted publications:

Schiebinger G*, Shu J*+, Tabaka M, Cleary B, Subramanian V, Solomon A, Gould J, Liu S, Lin S, Berube P,Lee L, Chen J, Brumbaugh J, Rigollet P, Hochedlinger K, Jaenisch R, Regev A,Lander ES+, Optimal-Transport Analysis of Single-Cell GeneExpression Identifies Developmental Trajectories in Reprogramming, Cell,  2019, 176(4): 928-943.e22

Shu J, Wu C, Wu Y, Li Z, Shao S, Zhao W, Tang X, Yang H, Shen L, Zuo X, Yang W, Shi Y, Chi X, Zhang H, Gao G, Shu Y, Yuan K, He W, Tang C, Zhao Y, Deng H, Induction of pluripotency in mouse somatic cells with lineage specifiers, Cell, 2013, 153 (5), 963-975


Dr. Shu is a postdoc fellow in Dr. Eric Lander lab at Broad Institute and Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch lab at Whitehead Institute. He works with stem cell biologists, computational biologists, and mathematicians to develop new experimental and computational tools to study complex systems in stem cells biology using different single cell sequencing techniques. In his Ph.D. work with Dr. Hongkui Deng in Peking University, Jian identified novel cocktails to make iPSCs and proposed a provocative model to challenge the conventional definition aboutpluripotency.


Fan Zhang, Ph.D.

Broad Institute / Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Talk title: Integrating single cell transcriptomics and mass cytometry to define inflammatory cell states in autoimmune rheumatic diseases

Highlighted publications:

Zhang,F.*, Wei, K.*, Slowikowski, K.*, Fonseka, C.Y.*, Rao, D.A.*, Kelly, S., Goodman, S.M., Tabechian, D., Hughes, L.B., Salomon-Escoto, K., Watts, G.F.M., Jonsson, A.H., Rangel-Moreno, J., Pellett, N.M., Rozo, C., Aprezzese, W., Eisenhaure, T.M., Lieb, D., Boyle,D.L., Mandelin A.M., Boyce, B.F., DiCarlo, E., Gravallese, E.M., Gregersen,P.K., Moreland, L., Firestein, G.S., Hacohen, N., Nusbaum, C., Lederer, J.A., Perlman, H., Pitzalis, C., Filer, A., Holers, M.V., Bykerk, V.P., Donlin, L.T.,Anolik, J.H., Brenner, M.B., Raychaudhuri, S, the Accelerating Medicines Partnership RA/SLE. Defining Inflammatory Cell States in Rheumatoid arthritis joint Synovial Tissues by Integrating Single-cell Transcriptomics and mass cytometry. Nature Immunology, 2019. In Press. bioRxiv: 351130.


Dr. Zhang is a research scientist working in immunogenomics with Dr. Soumya Raychaudhuri at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Broad Institute. Her research interests lie in the application of bioinformatics and statistics to study autoimmune diseases using single-cell genomics. Recently, she focuses on developing accurate and computationally scalable methods to study the single-cell genomics and genetics data to discover potential drug targets in rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, with a specific focus on using genomic strategies to understand stromal fibroblasts and immune cell types.


Shuqiang Li, Ph.D.

Broad Institute / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Talk title: Single-cell TCR sequencing applied to neoantigen vaccination therapy for cancer

Highlighted publications:

Li S, Sun J, Allesoe R, Datta K, Bao Y, Oliveira G, Forman J, Jin R, Olsen LR, Keskin DB, Shukla SA, Wu CJ, Livak KJ, rhTCRseq for highly specific and efficient targeted sequencing of T cell receptor mRNA for single-cell and repertoire analysis.  Nature protocol, 2019. Accepted


Shuqiang Li obtained his Ph.D in molecular biology at Marquette University, and got his postdoc training in Dr.Carl Novina’s lab at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, studying the profiling and function of miRNAs in human cancers. After that, he spent a few years in the industry. He worked as a senior scientist for Fluidigm Corporation developing single-cell genomics technology as part of the Single Cell Genomics Initiative (SCGi) at Broad Institute, led by Dr. Ken Livak from Fluidigm. After that, he returned to academia and joined in Broad Institute and Translational Immunogenomics Lab (TIGL) in Dana-Farber led by Dr. Catherine Wu. He is still involved in the technology development for single-cell genomics, now focused on applications in human cancer.


Yanmei Dou, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School

Highlighted publications:

Dou, Y., et al, Detecting Somatic Mutations in Normal Cells. Trends Genet ,2018, 34(7): 545-557.

Ye, A. Y*., Dou, Y*., et al., A model for postzygotic mosaicisms quantifies the allele fraction drift, mutation rate, and contribution to de novo mutations, Genome Res., 28: 943-951

Dou, Y., et al., “Postzygotic single-nucleotide mosaicisms contribute to the etiology of autism spectrum disorder and autistic traits and the origin of mutations.” Hum Mutat, 2017, 38(8): 1002-1013.


Yanmei completed her Ph.D. in Bioinformatics at Peking University, and has been working as a postdoc fellow in the department of biomedical informatics, Harvard medical school since 2017. Her research currently focuses on: 1. Development of new methods detecting somatic mutations in non-cancer tissues; 2. Explore of human embryo development by analyzing mosaic mutations in cell lineages.

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