Longwood Scientific saloon by Dr. Yuhui Huang

Sep - 26

Longwood Scientific saloon by Dr. Yuhui Huang

Dear CSSA members,

Our scientific saloon program will hold a seminar on September 26th (Wednesday), 6:30pm-7:30pm, in room 304, smith building, dana-farber cancer institute, 44 binney street, dana-farber, boston.

The invited speaker is Dr. Huang, Yuhui from MGH. Dr. Huang got his Ph.D degree from the Vanderbilt University, in the field of Cancer Biology and now working as a research fellow in MGH. He is such a productive researcher in the field of tumor microenvironment. He has got many publications including a “cancer cell” paper since he joined this field.

The title of his talk is “Polarization of tumor-associated macrophages: a novel strategy for vascular normalization and antitumor immunity “.

It is going to be a great chance to share some of his study and ideas. In attachment, please find the detail information of this talk. You are welcome to join us.

Thank you!