HMS-CSSA 2015 Middle Autumn / National Day Dinner Party

Sep - 21

HMS-CSSA 2015 Middle Autumn / National Day Dinner Party

We will have a dinner party to celebrate the Mid-Autumn/National Day on 10/2/2015. Great performances, games, delicious Chinese food will be prepared for you to have a wonderful evening.

Time: 10/2/2015, Friday,  6pm – 9pm

Place: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,

Yawkey Building Dinning Pavilion (3rd Floor cafe),

450 Brookline Ave,  Boston,  MA,

Fee: $10 for online registration, $20 for on-site registration, Free for kids.
Register at: HMS-CSSA 2015 MIddle Autumn Dinner Party
Registration deadline: 9/30/2015

Looking forward to meeting you there.

