HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon: Targeted protein degradation by small molecules

Sep - 04

HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon: Targeted protein degradation by small molecules

HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon

Targeted protein degradation by small molecules

Time: 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Sep 10th (Tuesday), 2019

Location: Yawkey 306, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ,450 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA 02215


Guangyan Du, Ph.D

Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacolog, Harvard Medical School

Guangyan received his Ph.D in organic chemistry from Peking University in 2015, under the supervision of Prof. Zhen Yang and Prof. Chi-Sing Lee. During his Ph.D he focused on total synthesis of natural products. Guangyan joined Gray lab in 2015 and is currently working on the development of kinase inhibitors and degraders.

Research Interest

Dr. Du is focusing on synthesizing small molecule degraders that hijack various E3 ligases such as cereblon (CRBN) and VHL, and developing systematic approaches to evaluate effects of degrader molecules.

HMS-CSSA Longwood Scientific Salon (LSS) 是 2011 年由哈佛医学院华人专家学者联合会 (HMS-CSSA) 发起的一项学术沙龙活动。此活动采取轻松自由的“沙龙”形式,主讲人主题及风格不限,可涉及科学前沿进展、学科发展历程,亦可涉及自身科研体会、实验经验分享等等。望哈佛医学院及附属医院有意展示学术成果和经验的青年学生学者,及有意协助学术沙龙活动举办的相关机构发送邮件至 cssa (a t)。

(窦岩梅 张彦波 王苏)
