Job List (retired)

Jul - 04

Openings at Biocytogen Beijing

There is a opening position for Director of R&D at biocytogen Beijing. Please find the detail information in attached documents if you are interested. Attachment: Opeing position at Biocytogen_Beijing

May - 30

Faculty Recuitment from Shandong University

山东大学人才引进项目指南   为加快我校高水平教师队伍建设进程,培养高水平的创新人才,促进和扩大国际学术交流合作,实现我校建设世界一流大学的战略目标,根据我校“攀越计划”,结合国家和省部级人才项目的实施,我校制定了一系列高层次人才引进计划,努力构建定位明确、层次清晰、衔接紧密、促进优秀人才可持续发展的培养和支持体系,旨在广泛吸纳海内外高层次人才以多种方式参与我校教学科研工作。为便于各单位引进人才工作的开展,特制订本指南。

Jan - 30

Career Opportunities at the Jilin University

A group of visiting professors at the Jilin University in Changchun are building a Translational Research Center there. We are seeking for scientists with full time appointments at all levels including postdoctoral fellow, assistant, associate and full professor. The visiting…

Oct - 22

Opening Positions at BGI Americas

Organization:  BGI Americas Corporations BGI (formerly known as Beijing Genomics Institute) was founded in Beijing on Sept 9th, 1999 with the mission of supporting the development of science and technology, building strong research teams, and promoting the development of scientific partnership in…